This tumbled stone features a unique combination of Serpentine and Stichtite sourced from the beautiful Tasmanian region. With its stunning green and purple hues, this...
Pink Calcite Crystal Tumbled Stone, activates the heart chakra helps those who have trouble expressing emotions to also except the past and move on. Stones...
Green Sardonyx Crystal Tumbled Stone, a form of chalcedony and onyx combination can attract good honest relationships instills courage and self control. Stones vary in...
Presil Bluestone Crystal Tumbled Stone, very ancient energy vibration of Stonehenge also know as dolerite pure wisdom find your true potential clears your throat chakra. ...
Boost your mood and attract good fortune with Sunstone Crystal Tumbled Stone. This stunning stone, known for its joyful light and anti-depressant qualities, will...
Larvikite Crystal Tumbled Stone, grounding, protective very transformational believed to help anxiety and stress to avoid negative thought patterns. Stones vary in size price per...
Dragons Blood Crystal Tumbled Stone, frequency that brings divine inspiration increase your courage and strength very grounding.
Stone vary in size price per stone.
Pink Opal Crystal Tumbled stone activates and unlocks our heart chakra stimulates originality and creativity releases anger.
Stone vary in size price per stone
Hypersthene Crystal Tumbled Stones are a powerful aid in promoting self-love, independence, strength, and long life endurance. As a talisman for protection, these stones provide...
Indian Moonstone Or White Variety Moonstone Crystal Tumbled stone, relives anxiety and stress good for female problems aids in a more flexible possibility in life....
Each unique Rhyolite Crystal Tumbled & Flat Stone is carefully handpicked for its quality and beauty. With creativity for the soul, this stone has been...
Chiastolite/Andalusite Crystal Tumbled Stone, powerful protective stone ward off ill wishes transmutes conflict into harmony better problem solving.
Stones vary in size price per stone.
Golden Calcite Crystal Tumbled Or Rough Stone, known for bringing courage aids in manifestation assists with energy flow.
Stones vary in size price per stone
Tektite Crystal Tumbled Stone, assisting in better communication skills facilitates in astral traveling and for higher consciousness an extremely powerful vibration can tap into other...
Merlinite Crystal Tumbled Stone, magical stone of knowledge for shamans, alchemist, lightworkers vibrating at a very high frequency will help you on your spiritual path....
Magnesite Crystal Tumbled Stone, brings deep peace for relaxation calming effect, sooths the brain cells balancing the emotions.
Stones vary in size price per stone.
Mexican Fire Agate Crystal tumbled Stone, master healer grounds and balances, stone of courage protection and strength.
Stone vary in size price per stone.
Greenstone Crystal Tumbled Stone, signifies a deep connection to the natural world bonding with humanity a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms. Stones vary...
Rutilated Quartz Crystal Tumbled Stone, letting go of the past aids in thyroid balance amplifies energy helps with focus and awareness. Stones vary in size...
Howlite Dyed Crystal Tumbled Stone, calming and soothing energy helping alleviate stress and anxiety promoting a sense of peace. Stones vary in size price per...